Happy Baby Pose: A Simple yet Rewarding Yoga Pose


Are you a yoga enthusiast? Do you want to keep your mind and body healthy? If yes, then you should be familiar with Happy Baby Pose or Ananda Balasana. It is one of the popular stretches in the world of yoga and Pilates. You might know that yoga aims at improving the flexibility of the body and relaxing the mind of the practitioner.


Moreover, yoga also emphasizes the strength and breathing of the body through different mind and body exercises. When it comes to Pilates, yoga-like movements are there to help practitioners boost the balance, range of motion, and flexibility of the body. In addition, Pilates also contributes to toning and strengthening muscles to improve the fitness level of the practitioner.

Therefore, if you want to take your physical and mental well-being to the next level, you may incorporate yoga and Pilates into your day-to-day life. Include Happy Baby Pose in your yoga regimen upon the guidance and under the supervision of your yoga instructor.

The nature of the Happy Baby Pose makes it suitable for both yoga as well as Pilates sessions. The relaxing motion of Ananda Balasana comes with a wide range of health benefits. Hence, there is no reason not to incorporate Happy Baby Pose into one’s yoga session if he/she is physically fit for it. I hope you are now getting interested to know more about Happy Baby Pose. Without further ado, let us know about it.

What is Happy Baby Pose?

You already know that the Happy Baby Pose consists of calming and gentle motion. In other words, Ananda Balasana is a relaxing pose, which adds up a soothing feeling to the body and mind. It stretches and relaxes the body of the practitioner.

Moreover, Ananda Balasana is not a complex pose to get accustomed to. The Happy Baby Pose is about lying on the back and starting rolling from one side to the other and vice versa.

The name “happy baby” is justified by the fact that the practitioner looks like a baby enjoying while lying on its back. Babies are commonly seen in this pose whether they are lying in a crib or resting on a blanket.

If you are a beginner in the world of yoga, then Happy Baby Pose can make one of the ideal poses for you (do not forget to take advice from your yoga instructor). Ananda Balasana is often practiced at the start or end of Pilates classes or yoga sessions, thanks to its calming effects on the body and mind.

What about the roots of the Happy Baby Pose or Ananda Balasana?

The term “Ananda Balasana” is sourced from the Sanskrit language (one of the classical languages in India). “Ananda” means “joy” whereas “bal” means “baby” and “asana” means “pose.”

Most babies like to lie on their backs and attempt to touch their feet and toes. Once babies reach their feet and toes in this position, they start rolling from side to side. Whether it is a baby or a grown-up, Happy Baby Pose provides calmness and relaxation to everyone. It helps practitioners to find their inner child once again.

You need to know the correct procedure for practicing a yoga pose, and it goes for the Happy Baby Pose as well. It is time to discuss the step-by-step guide of Ananda Balasana:
Firstly, you have to lie straight on your back on the ground or yoga mat.

Next, start bending your knees at a 90-degree angle and in the direction of your chest.

The direction of your soles should be toward the ceiling.

Try to grab and hold your feet or toes as much as possible. Do not put any strain, or you might end up causing an injury.

It is time to spread your knees and move them in the direction of your armpits.

Bend your heels and start rolling from one side to the other just like a baby. Let your body stay in this position for a few breaths. Do not forget to inhale and exhale deeply.

Happy Baby Pose: What are the Benefits?

Does your health permit you to practice the Happy Baby Pose? If yes, then you would be amazed to know about its striking benefits for the mind and body.

In other words, the benefits of Ananda Balasana are not limited to improved mobility and flexibility only. It contributes to opening the groin, hips, and inner thighs. Furthermore, the Happy Baby Pose helps to alleviate the lower back pain of the practitioner.

When it comes to the mind, Ananda Balasana keeps anxiety and stress at bay. This pose stretches and realigns the spine to maintain spine health. Ananda Balasana helps to ease fatigue and promote relaxation for the body and mind. Moreover, it alleviates the heart rate of the practitioner.

What is the biggest benefit of happy baby pose? It is time to check out the benefits of the Happy Baby Pose in detail, and you can find which one poses the biggest positive effect on your body and mind by yourself.

Keeps Strain and Tightness at bay:

You already know that Ananda Balasana helps to open the hips, groin, and inner thighs of the practitioner through stretching. In addition, the Happy Baby Pose stretches the hamstrings to let them relax. As a result, the pose helps to release stress and tension from all these body parts.

The Happy Baby Pose is about rolling from side to side, which helps to realign, stretch, and release tension in the spine of the practitioner. Do you want to ease your back or neck pain? Would you like to enhance the flexibility of your body while releasing tightness and stress? Then, you can talk to your yoga instructor about your suitability for practicing Ananda Balasana.

Induces relaxation in the body and mind:

Do you want to awake the inner child within you? Then, the Happy Baby Pose can be a golden opportunity for you to feel stress-free and relaxed like you used to feel back in your childhood.

Under the guidance of a yoga instructor, the worries of your life would start dissipating with Ananda Balasana. The Happy Baby Pose lets the practitioner go through a deep-breathing session so that they can experience the current moment. The pressure and worries of hectic schedules and project deadlines start fading away from the mind.

A Heart-Friendly Pose:

According to a research review, Ananda Balasana may influence the cardio-metabolic risk factors when compared to people without any record of workout. In other words, the Happy Baby Pose helps to keep our heart healthy by alleviating blood pressure, lowering heart rate, and supporting good mental health.

However, more studies are needed to reinforce the statement that Ananda Balasana helps to prevent heart ailments. However, it is also true that yoga poses, which help to release stress, contribute to improving cardiovascular health.

Which Mistakes to be avoided while performing Happy Baby Pose?

You already know that the Happy Baby Pose ensures loads of positive effects for the body and mind. It stretches as well as relieves stress and tension to help the practitioner unwind and relax. Although Ananda Balasana is not a complex pose, you need to take care of the common mistakes and make sure to not make them during practicing for your safety. Let us now talk about the common mistakes in happy baby pose. 

The Position of Your Shoulder:

While practicing the Happy Baby Pose, your shoulder must be rested on the ground or the yoga mat throughout. Never try to elevate your shoulder while you are trying to reach for your feet or toes. Are you unable to maintain your shoulder’s position? If yes, then avoid holding your feet. Instead, reach for and hold your shins or ankles.

The Position of Your Head:

Like the shoulder, you should also take care of your head’s position. Always rest your head on the ground or mat to keep potential neck strain at bay. Do you think it is hard to maintain this position? Then, you can roll a towel or blanket and place it under your neck to keep up the position.

Are you a beginner and feeling it hard to reach and hold your feet or toes? Then, take a yoga strap and place it around the shape of your feet to streamline the Happy Baby Pose for you.

Never Ignore Your Current Injuries:

It is a must to confirm in advance whether the Happy Baby Pose is suitable for you or not. That is why you have to emphasize your current physical condition before attempting Ananda Balasana.

While some yoga practitioners find it effortless to practice the Happy Baby Pose, others experience pain in this regard in case they are suffering from injuries around their feet, knees, and ankles.

Note that you should never attempt the Happy Baby Pose if you are going through severe pain. In other words, consider your existing injuries or health status before practicing any yoga pose.

Should you practice Ananda Balasana after a Meal?

Needless to say, the Happy Baby Pose causes a bit of pressure on the practitioner’s stomach. That is why you should ask your trainer about the appropriate time for practicing Ananda Balasana. For instance, some yoga poses should be done in the morning when the stomach is empty or after 4 to 5 hours of the last meal.

Ananda Balasana

Wrapping Up

Do you want to keep your mind and body fit by releasing tension from the hips, thighs, or back? Would you like to relax your mind and body without attempting a complex yoga pose? Then, having the Happy Baby Pose in your yoga sessions or Pilates classes may help you a lot.

Note that the Happy Baby Pose is strictly prohibited for pregnant women. Moreover, beginners can adjust the pose at their convenience to avoid any injury. Talk to your yoga instructor about the suitability of Happy Baby Pose or Ananda Balasana for your body.

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Puja Majumdar

Puja Majumdar is a fitness writer as well as fitness enthusiast, she motivates people for a healthy living with her writing skills.

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