Category Gym

Weight of Barbell: Know about Different Options


Introduction How much does a Barbell weigh? Standard Barbell Women’s Barbell Olympic Barbell Men’s Olympic Barbell Women’s Olympic Barbell Powerlifting Barbell Kids Barbell or Technique Barbell Smith Machine Bar EZ Curl Bar Hex or Trap Bar Triceps Bar Multi-Grip or…

Knuckle Push Ups: All that you should know

Introduction to Knuckle Push Ups Why go for Knuckle Push-Ups? Knuckle Push-Ups: What are the Variations? Knuckle Push-Ups: What is the Procedure? How to make your Knuckle Push-Up Journey Safe & Injury-Free? Knuckle Push-ups: Are there any Drawbacks? Wrapping Up…

Lower Back Workouts for Men: What are the Different Types?

Introduction Which Muscles are considered Lower Back Muscles? Erector Spinae: Transversospinalis Muscles: Why should you go for Lower Back Workouts? Lower Back Workouts for Men: Top Picks for you Kettlebell Swing Deadlift Bridges Hyperextension Superman: Wrapping Up Introduction Are you…

Lat Exercises for Women: How to Start Your Journey?

A Brief Introduction to Lat Exercises for Women Lat Exercises for Women: How to Start the Journey? Bent-Over Row: Alternating Bent-Over Row: Single-Arm Underhand Bent-Over Row: Bent-Over Fly: Superwoman: Alternating Superwoman: Renegade Row: Single-Leg Row: Wrapping Up A Brief Introduction…

Bench Press: How much can you manage?

Introduction Do you want to know about the bench press? Would you like to know how much should I be able to bench press based on my gender and age? Then, you have stumbled upon the correct destination. Before getting…